File: src/
{compat} = require('./compat')
{EventEmitter} = require('events')
# @module rtc
# A wrapper around an HTML5 MediaStream
# @class rtc.Stream
# @constructor
# @param {RTCDataStream} stream The native stream
class exports.Stream extends EventEmitter
# Emitted when tracks are muted or unmuted. Only triggered when changes are
# made through this objects mute functions.
# @event mute_changed
# @param {'audio' | 'video' | 'both'} type The type of tracks which changed
# @param {Boolean} muted `true` if tracks were muted, `false` if they were unmuted
constructor: (@stream) ->
# Get the id of the stream. This is neither user defined nor human readable.
# @method id
# @return {String} The id of the underlying stream
id: () ->
# Checks whether the stream has any tracks of the given type
# @method hasTracks
# @param {'audio' | 'video' | 'both'} [type='both'] The type of track to check for
# @return {Number} The amount of tracks of the given type
hasTracks: (type) ->
return @getTracks(type).length
# Gets the tracks of the given type
# @method getTracks
# @param {'audio' | 'video' | 'both'} [type='both'] The type of tracks to get
# @return {Array} An Array of the tracks
getTracks: (type) ->
type = type.toLowerCase()
if type == 'audio'
return @stream.getAudioTracks()
else if type == 'video'
return @stream.getVideoTracks()
else if type == 'both'
video = @stream.getVideoTracks()
vaudio = @stream.getAudioTracks()
return video.concat(audio)
throw new Error("Invalid stream part '" + type + "'")
# Checks whether a type of track is muted. If there are no tracks of the
# specified type they will be considered muted
# @param {'audio' | 'video' | 'both'} [type='audio'] The type of tracks
# @return {Boolean} Whether the tracks are muted
muted: (type='audio') ->
tracks = @getTracks(type)
if tracks.length < 1
return true
return not tracks[0]?.enabled
# Mutes or unmutes tracks of the stream
# @method mute
# @param {Boolean} [muted=true] Mute on `true` and unmute on `false`
# @param {'audio' | 'video' | 'both'} [type='audio'] The type of tracks to mute or unmute
# @return {Boolean} Whether the tracks were muted or unmuted
mute: (muted=true, type='audio') ->
for track in @getTracks(type)
track.enabled = not muted
@emit('mute_changed', type, muted)
return muted
# Toggles the mute state of tracks of the stream
# @method toggleMute
# @param {'audio' | 'video' | 'both'} [type='audio'] The type of tracks to mute or unmute
# @return {Boolean} Whether the tracks were muted or unmuted
toggleMute: (type='audio') ->
tracks = @getTracks(type)
if tracks.length < 1
return true
muted = not tracks[0]?.enabled
for track in tracks
track.enabled = not muted
@emit('mute_changed', type, muted)
return muted
# Stops the stream
# @method stop
stop: () ->
if @stream.getTracks?
for track in @stream.getTracks()
# Clones the stream. You can change both streams independently, for example
# mute tracks. You will have to `stop()` both streams individually when you
# are done.
# This is currently not supported in Firefox and expected to be implemented
# in version 47. Use `Stream.canClone()` to check whether cloning is supported by
# your browser.
# @method clone
# @return {rtc.Stream} A clone of the stream
clone: () ->
if not @stream.clone?
throw new Error("Your browser does not support stream cloning. Firefox is expected to implement it in version 47.")
return new Stream(@stream.clone())
# Checks whether cloning stream is supported by the browser. See `clone()`
# for details
# @static
# @method canClone
# @return {Boolean} `true` if cloning is supported, `false` otherwise
@canClone: () ->
return compat.MediaStream.prototype.clone?
# Creates a stream using `getUserMedia()`
# @method createStream
# @static
# @param {Object} [config={audio: true, video: true}] The configuration to pass to `getUserMedia()`
# @return {Promise -> rtc.Stream} Promise to the stream
# @example
# var stream = rtc.Stream.createStream({audio: true, video: false});
# rtc.MediaDomElement($('video'), stream);
@createStream: (config={audio: true, video: true}) ->
return new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
# description to pass to getUserMedia()
success = (native_stream) ->
resolve(new Stream(native_stream))
compat.getUserMedia(config, success, reject)