API Docs for:

File: src/signaling/signaling.coffee

{EventEmitter} = require('events')

# @module rtc.signaling

# Concept of a class implementing signaling. Might use a `rtc.signaling.Channel` to abstract the connection to the server.
# You do not have to extend this claass, just implement the functionality.
# @extends events.EventEmitter
# @class rtc.signaling.Signaling
class exports.Signaling extends EventEmitter

  # A new peer joined the room
  # @event peer_joined
  # @param {rtc.signaling.SignalingPeer} peer The new peer

  # The connection to the signaling server was closed
  # @event closed

  # Establishes the connection with the signaling server
  # @method connect
  # @return {Promise} Promise which is resolved when the connection is established
  connect: () -> throw new Error("Not implemented")

  # Closes the connection to the signaling server
  # @method close
  close: () -> throw new Error("Not implemented")

  # Sets the local status object and broadcasts the change to the peers
  # @method setStatus
  # @param {Object} obj New status object
  setStatus: (obj) -> throw new Error("Not implemented")

# Concept of a class implementing a signaling connection to a peer.
# You do not have to extend this class, just implement the functionality.
# @extends events.EventEmitter
# @class rtc.signaling.SignalingPeer
class exports.SignalingPeer extends EventEmitter

  # The remote peer left the room
  # @event left

  # Received a message from the remote peer
  # @event message
  # @param {String} event ID of the event
  # @param {Obejct} data Payload of the event

  # The status object of the remote peer was updated
  # @event status_changed
  # @param {Object} status The new status

  # The status object of the remote peer
  # @property status
  # @type Object
  # @readonly

  # Whether the local user was in the room before the remote user (used to determine which peer will initiate the connection)
  # @property first
  # @type Boolean
  # @readonly

  # Sends the event with the given payload to the remote peer
  # @method send
  # @param {String} event The id of the event
  # @param {Object} data The payload of the event
  # @return {Promise} Promise which will be resolved once the message is sent
  send: (event, data={}) -> throw new Error("Not implemented")

# Concept of a class implementing a signaling channel. Might be used by signaling implementations to connect to a signaling server.
# You do not have to extend this class, just implement the functionality.
# @extends events.EventEmitter
# @class rtc.signaling.Channel
class exports.Channel extends EventEmitter

  # A message was received from the signaling server
  # @event message
  # @param {Object} msg The received message

  # The connection to the signaling server was closed
  # @event closed

  # Establishes the connection with the signaling server
  # @method connect
  # @return {Promise} Promise which is resolved when the connection is established
  connect: () -> throw new Error("Not implemented")

  # Sends a message to the signaling server
  # @method send
  # @param {Object} msg The message to send
  # @return {Promise} Promise which is resolved when the message is sent
  send: (msg) -> throw new Error("Not implemented")

  # Closes the connection to the signaling server
  # @method close
  close: () -> throw new Error("Not implemented")