File: src/internal/
- {Deferred} = require('./promise')
- EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
- ###*
- # @module rtc.internal
- ###
- ###*
- # Helper handling the mapping of streams for RemotePeer
- # @class rtc.internal.StreamCollection
- #
- # @constructor
- ###
- class exports.StreamCollection extends EventEmitter
- ###*
- # A new stream was added to the collection
- # @event steam_added
- # @param {String} name The user defined name of the stream
- # @param {Promise -> rtc.Stream} stream Promise to the stream
- ###
- constructor: () ->
- ###*
- # Contains the promises which will resolve to the streams
- # @property {Object} streams
- ###
- @streams = {}
- @_defers = {}
- @_waiting = {}
- @_pending = {}
- @wait_d = new Deferred()
- @wait_p = @wait_d.promise
- ###*
- # Set stream description and generate promises
- # @method update
- # @param data {Object} An object mapping the stream ids to stream names
- ###
- update: (data) ->
- members = []
- @_waiting = {}
- # remove old streams
- for name, stream_p in @streams
- if not data[name]?
- # remove
- delete @streams[name]
- @emit('stream_removed', name)
- # close/fail
- # TODO: this does not work anymore ...
- if stream_p.isFullfilled()
- stream_p.then (stream) ->
- stream.close()
- else if stream_p.isPending()
- stream_p.reject(new Error("Stream removed before being established"))
- # update mappings
- for name, id of data
- # does stream exist?
- if not @streams[name]?
- # create stream promise
- defer = new Deferred()
- @streams[name] = defer.promise
- @_defers[name] = defer
- @emit('stream_added', name, defer.promise)
- # do we adjust stream initialization?
- if @_defers[name]?
- if @_pending[id]?
- # got it!
- stream = @_pending[id]
- delete @_pending[id]
- @_defers[name].resolve(stream)
- delete @_defers[name]
- else
- # add waiting mapping
- @_waiting[id] = name
- @wait_d.resolve()
- ###*
- # Add stream to the collection and resolve promises waiting for it
- # @method resolve
- # @param {rtc.Stream} stream
- ###
- resolve: (stream) ->
- id =
- # streams from Chrome to Firefox are coming in with id set to 'default' ...
- if id == 'default'
- if Object.keys(@streams).length == 1 and Object.keys(@_waiting).length == 1
- console.log("Working around incompatibility between Firefox and Chrome concerning stream identification")
- id = Object.keys(@_waiting)[0]
- else
- console.log("Unable to work around incompatibility between Firefox and Chrome concerning stream identification")
- if @_waiting[id]?
- # stream is expected
- name = @_waiting[id]
- delete @_waiting[id]
- @_defers[name].resolve(stream)
- delete @_defers[name]
- else
- # lets hope someone wants this later ...
- @_pending[id] = stream
- ###*
- # Gets a promise for a stream with the given name. Might be rejected after `update()`
- #
- # @method get
- # @param {String} name
- # @return {Promise} The promise for the `rtc.Stream`
- ###
- get: (name) ->
- @wait_p.then () =>
- if @streams[name]?
- return @streams[name]
- else
- throw new Error("Stream not offered")