File: src/
{Deferred,Promise} = require('./internal/promise')
EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
# @module rtc
# A wrapper for RTCDataChannel. Used to transfer custom data between peers.
# @class rtc.DataChannel
# @constructor
# @param {RTCDataChannel} channel The wrapped native data channel
# @param {Number} [max_buffer] The size of the send buffer after which we will delay sending
class exports.DataChannel extends EventEmitter
# A new messages was received. Triggers only after `connect()` was called
# @event message
# @param {ArrayBuffer} data The data received
# The channel was closed
# @event closed
constructor: (@channel, @max_buffer=1024*10) ->
@_connected = false
@_connect_queue = []
# buffer management
@_send_buffer = []
# make sure we are using arraybuffer
@channel.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'
# event handling
@channel.onmessage = (event) =>
if not @_connected
@channel.onclose = () =>
# TODO: what to do with this?
@channel.onerror = (err) =>
@emit('error', err)
# Connect to the DataChannel. You will receive messages and will be able to send after calling this.
# @method connect
# @return {Promise} Promise which resolves as soon as the DataChannel is open
connect: () ->
@_connected = true
for data in @_connect_queue
@emit('message', data)
delete @_connect_queue
return Promise.resolve()
close: () ->
return Promise.resolve()
# The label of the DataChannel used to distinguish multiple channels
# @method label
# @return {String} The label
label: () ->
return @channel.label
# Send data to the peer through the DataChannel
# @method send
# @param data The data to be transferred
# @return {Promise} Promise which will be resolved when the data was passed to the native data channel
send: (data) ->
if not @_connected
console.log("Sending without being connected. Please call connect() on the data channel to start using it.")
defer = new Deferred()
@_send_buffer.push([data, defer])
if @_send_buffer.length == 1
return defer.promise
# Method which actually sends the data. Implements buffering
# @method _actualSend
# @private
_actualSend: () ->
if @channel.readyState == 'open'
# actual sending
# TODO: help user with max package size?
while @_send_buffer.length
# should we keep sending right now?
if @channel.bufferedAmount >= @max_buffer
# TODO: less cpu heavy timeout value?
setTimeout(@_actualSend.bind(@), 1)
[data, defer] = @_send_buffer[0]
# TODO: less cpu heavy and fail after some time?
# TODO: do not loop endless on fatal errors which do not close the channel
setTimeout(@_actualSend.bind(@), 1)
# fail the send promises
while @_send_buffer.length
[data, defer] = @_send_buffer.shift()
defer.reject(new Error("DataChannel closed"))