API Docs for:

File: src/websocket_channel.coffee

EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter

# A signaling channel using WebSockets. Wraps around `ws` WebSockets. Reference implementation of a channel.
# @class WebsocketChannel
# @extends events.EventEmitter
# @constructor
# @param {WebSocket} ws The websocket connection with the client
# @example
#     // using only one Room
#     var es = require('easy-signaling');
#     var ws = require('ws')
#     var wss = new ws.WebSocketServer({port: 8080, host: ''})
#     var room = new es.Room();
#     wss.on('connection', function(ws) {
#       channel = new es.WebsocketChannel(ws);
#       room.create_guest(channel);
#     });
# @example
#     // using Hotel to support multiple rooms based on the URL
#     var es = require('easy-signaling');
#     var ws = require('ws')
#     var wss = new ws.WebSocketServer({port: 8080, host: ''})
#     var hotel = new es.Hotel();
#     wss.on('connection', function(ws) {
#       channel = new es.WebsocketChannel(ws);
#       hotel.create_guest(channel, ws.upgradeReq.url);
#     });
class exports.WebsocketChannel extends EventEmitter

  # A message was received
  # @event message
  # @param {Object} data The decoded message

  # The WebSocket was closed
  # @event closed

  # An error occured with the WebSocket
  # @event error
  # @param {Error} error The error which occured

  constructor: (@ws) ->
    @ws.on 'message', (msg) =>
        data = JSON.parse(msg)
        @emit('message', data)
      catch err
        @emit('error', "Error processing incoming message: " + err.message)

    @ws.on 'close', () =>

  # Send data to the client
  # @method send
  # @param {Object} data The message to be sent
  send: (data) ->
    msg = JSON.stringify(data)

  # Close the connection to the client
  # @method close
  close: () ->